About Me
Capturing Magic Through The Lens
Hi, my name is Hanna Fox. I am a senior studying journalism at the University of Florida. On the side, I photograph for the Hernando Sun, which is a small local newspaper located in Hernando County, Florida.
A couple of years ago, I started Fox Photography, an affordable picture service for people who want low-cost senior photos or headshots. I also offer freelance photography for media and website-building services.
One of my favorite things to photograph is sports. I love being able to take pictures on the sidelines right in the middle of all the action. You never know when one of the players will come barreling at you or a ball will bounce your way, or when you will capture a perfect shot.
I also love to photograph the different places I have traveled to. My favorite place to photograph so far has been Machu Picchu, but Greece was a close second. Both Greece and Peru have fascinating histories, and views that are breathtaking.